Real Estate Department
The Real Estate Department is responsible for maintaining the real property parcel records for the county. These records include but are not limited to: current ownership, legal description, property location & mailing addresses, deed transfers, land & building data, current valuation, assessment history, and homestead status.
Real Estate Records:
The real estate records information you are about to view are considered to be the “working papers” of the County Assessor’s Office. Apprentice Information Systems, LLC, provides electronic access to these records for your convenience. However, the information is provided “as is” with no warranty, express or implied, and all such warranties, including merchantability or fitness for any unique or special purpose, are hereby disclaimed.
Benton County and Apprentice Information Systems, LLC do not guarantee the information on the web site to be suitable for any purpose other than those expressly required by state law.
By clicking the Search Real Estate Records link below, you will be accepting this statement:
You agree that you will not attempt to hold either Benton County or Apprentice Information Systems, LLC liable for inaccurate or incomplete information.
Homestead Application:
If your primary residence is in Benton County you may be eligible for up to $500 homestead tax credit regardless of age or financial status. Also, if you are 65 years of age or older, or disabled, you may be eligible for an assessment freeze on the taxable value of your property. To request an application please send an email to the Homestead Administrator or call (479)271-1037. Please include your name and the address of the property that you want to claim for your homestead. You may also send a written request to the following address:
Benton County Assessor’s Office
2109 W Walnut St
Rogers, AR 72756