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County News

City of Decatur Awarded American Rescue Plan Funds for Western Benton County Water Project

July 29, 2022

The project is estimated to take a year and a half before residents will be hooked up to the water system. The Benton County Quorum Court awarded $2,000,000 of American Rescue Plan funds to the City of Decatur for the Western Benton County Water Project. The City of Decatur will use these funds along with additional funds that have been secured for the completion of the project. Benton County received $54 million from the federal government, as part of the American Rescue Plan. Justices of the Peace have appropriated these funds to various County projects, local non-profits, and cities for the purpose of improving the quality of life of residents.   This generous donation from the Quorum Court will be used to expand current water lines from main lines in the County that Decatur has had in place for years. The purpose will be to service houses that need...

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June 2022 American Rescue Plan Update

June 29, 2022

The American Rescue Plan committee, made up of the Benton County Quorum Court, will finalize funding for non-profits during the June Quorum Court meeting. The Benton County Quorum Court has spent, appropriated, or committed approximately $45.5 million in American Rescue Plan funds. Benton County received $54 million from the federal government, as part of the American Rescue Plan. On May 26, the Quorum Court approved a resolution to appropriate ARP funds to nine local non-profits. Twelve other outside organizations are expected to have ARP funds appropriated to their agencies during the June Quorum Court meeting.  After the June 30 meeting, a total of approximately $5.87 million will be approved for non-profit organizations. The Quorum Court also appropriated $2.5 million in ARP funds for Benton County facilities updates and drainage projects. Timeline for ARP funding requests In August 2021, Benton County requested organizations apply for economic recovery assistance as part...

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Osage Creek Bridge Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Set for June 20

June 14, 2022

The new bridge has a greater structural capacity and is better equipped to sustain a significant flood event. The Osage Creek Bridge reopened to traffic in May 2022 after an extensive bridge replacement project. Benton County and the Arkansas Department of Transportation will host a ribbon cutting ceremony at 11 a.m. on Monday, June 20, 2022 to celebrate the project’s completion. The bridge will close temporarily between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. on June 20 for the ribbon cutting ceremony. Construction on the Osage Creek Bridge began in October 2020 after the bridge was de-clared structurally deficient by the Arkansas Department of Transportation. The new bridge spans 502 feet across Old Arkansas Hwy 68, has a larger shoulder width, and improved safety for drivers. “The old structurally deficient bridge was well beyond its expected service life and was falling into a state of disrepair. The new bridge has a...

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Assessment Deadline Approaching

May 18, 2022

Benton County Assessor Roderick Grieve encourages people to assess their personal property online As a reminder, state law requires all individual and business personal property be assessed between January 1st and May 31st each year to avoid a 10% penalty. The deadline for 2022 is Tuesday, May 31st. Individual personal property includes but is not limited to: vehicles, RV’s, motorcycles, boats, trailers and ATVs. Benton County Assessor Roderick Grieve encourages the public to use online resources to assess their personal property. Business personal property includes but is not limited to: vehicles, furniture, equipment, machinery and inventory. Assess Online or by Phone To assess personal property, go online You can also call (479) 271-1033 for help in your assessment. Assess in Person Benton County offers five in person locations where the public can assess their personal property. Bentonville: Benton County Administration Building, 215 E. Central Avenue – 8:00 a.m. – 4:30...

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Absentee Ballot Deadline Approaching for May Primary Election

Pursuant to a recent Arkansas State law change, all absentee ballots must be returned to the Benton County Clerk’s office the Friday before the election if dropped off in person or by designated bearer. Absentee ballots to be returned by bearer or in person for the May 2022 Primary Election must be returned to the Benton County Clerk’s Office by close of business on Friday, May 20, 2022. Previously, voters and bearers were able to drop off absentee ballots on Election Day. The Arkansas Legislature approved a change to the law during the regular session of 2021. Act 973 of 2021 went into effect on July 28, 2021 and moves up the deadline from Election Day to the Friday before Election Day. Deadline to Return Absentee Ballot by Authorized Agent: The deadline to return an absentee ballot by authorized agent is by 7:30 p.m. on Election Day May 24....

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  • Important Locations

    Administration Building

    215 E. Central Ave.
    Bentonville, AR

    County Courthouse

    100 NE A St.
    Bentonville, AR 72712

    Rogers Office

    2111 W Walnut St.
    Rogers, AR 72756

    Public Services Building

    1209 W. Walnut
    Rogers, AR 72756

    County Road Department

    1204 SW 14th Street,
    Suite 6
    Bentonville, AR 72712

    Public Service Building

    1204 SW 14th St.
    Bentonville, AR 72712

    Historic Building

    306 NW 2nd St.
    Bentonville, AR 72712

    Veteran Services

    1204 SW 14th Street,
    Suite 8
    Bentonville, AR 72712