Benton County Government News

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County News

Pafford Medical Services begins emergency medical service to Benton County and Western Benton County cities

January 27, 2023

Pafford Medical Services began its contract with Benton County, Cave Springs, Decatur, Gentry, and Highfill on Friday, January 27, 2023. Pafford Medical Services has begun its four-year contract with Benton County and four cities — Cave Springs, Decatur, Gentry and Highfill — to provide Emergency Medical Services (EMS) to much of the western portion of the county. The agreement calls for at least three ambulances to be on duty at all times.  Additionally, the financial terms of the agreement provide for coverage of out-of-pocket costs for emergency ambulance service. Medicare, Medicaid and third-party insurers would continue to be billed for service. The out-of-pocket coverage is an additional benefit for the citizens of Western Benton County, potentially saving hundreds of dollars or more for those who use the service.  “Pafford Medical Services has committed to providing affordable and quality care to Benton County residents during their most vulnerable moments,” said...

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Benton County Prepares for Winter Storm

December 21, 2022

Benton County advises the public to be prepared for subzero temperatures and snow heading into the Christmas weekend.   The Benton County Emergency Management Agency wants citizens to be prepared for winter weather in the next few days. The National Weather Service in Tulsa is forecasting subzero temperatures, high winds, rain, and snow starting Thursday morning that will continue into Thursday evening. Due to this forecast, Benton County is preparing for all outcomes of winter weather. The Benton County Road Department is preparing a salt brine mixture to treat County roads on Tuesday and Wednesday. We ask that the public keep an eye out for road crews and allow room for drivers to treat the roads. Please be patient with our road crews as our equipment and people will struggle in the subzero temperatures and high winds could result in white-out conditions. The County advises the public to be...

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County Circuit Clerk Invites the Public to Passport Saturday

November 2, 2022

The Benton County Circuit Clerk’s office will welcome families and individuals to complete their new passport application on Saturday, November 5th. The Benton County Circuit Clerk’s office will host its second Passport Saturday event from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. on Saturday, November 5th. People in need of a new passport can visit the downtown Bentonville office located at 215 E Central Ave to complete an application. The Circuit Clerk’s Office is on the 2nd floor of the Administration Building in Suite 202.  No appointment is necessary. All forms must be completed beforehand. Required documents and correct payment for service fees must be in hand when you arrive to the Circuit Clerk’s Office. Please contact the Circuit Clerk Recorder’s Office with questions: 479-271-1017. Please go to for detailed requirements. A guide is also available at: Standard processing fees will be applied to the application. Individuals needing a...

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County Clerk Encourages Voters to Request Absentee Ballots Before Deadline

October 31, 2022

The Benton County Clerk’s office wants voters to know their options for the November election and in order to streamline the process, urges voters to request absentee ballots ahead of time.  Requesting an Absentee Ballot: The best way to request an absentee ballot is downloading an application online at and returning it by email, fax, or mail by as soon as possible. Voters can also take a picture of their request and email that into the below address: Email: Absentee@BentonCountyAR.Gov  Fax: (479) 271-1019 Mail: Betsy Harrell, Benton County Clerk           215 E. Central Avenue           Bentonville, AR. 72712 Deadline to Request an Absentee Ballot: The final day to request an absentee ballot to be mailed is Tuesday, November 1st. The final day to request an absentee ballot in person is 6 p.m. on November 4th at 215 E. Central Avenue in Bentonville. That same ballot must be returned...

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Pafford Medical Services enters into agreement with Benton County and Western Benton County cities

Benton County and four cities — Cave Springs, Decatur, Gentry and Highfill — have reached a preliminary agreement with Pafford Medical Services to provide Emergency Medical Services (EMS) to much of the western portion of the county.  The agreement was necessary after the current provider, Northwest Health, decided to exercise an early termination of the current contracts, citing financial reasons. The annual amount for the subsidy to Pafford Medical Services will total $1,512,000 per year for four years with the amount being split proportionally between the county and the cities.  The agreement was reached after a Request for Qualification process was initiated earlier this summer and concluded with the preliminary agreement between Pafford Medical Services, County Judge Barry Moehring, Cave Springs Mayor Randall Noblett, Decatur Mayor Bob Tharp, Gentry Mayor Kevin Johnston and Highfill Mayor Michelle Rieff. The preliminary agreement will now be considered by each of the cities’...

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  • Important Locations

    Administration Building

    215 E. Central Ave.
    Bentonville, AR

    County Courthouse

    100 NE A St.
    Bentonville, AR 72712

    Rogers Office

    2111 W Walnut St.
    Rogers, AR 72756

    Public Services Building

    1209 W. Walnut
    Rogers, AR 72756

    County Road Department

    1204 SW 14th Street,
    Suite 6
    Bentonville, AR 72712

    Public Service Building

    1204 SW 14th St.
    Bentonville, AR 72712

    Historic Building

    306 NW 2nd St.
    Bentonville, AR 72712

    Veteran Services

    1204 SW 14th Street,
    Suite 8
    Bentonville, AR 72712