Juvenile Detention Center Services Offered

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Services Offered


The Benton county Juvenile Detention Center employs a full time mental health professional who is available at residents’ request. They check in on the residents from day to day, as well as monitor their mental health status throughout their stay. Our mental health professional also performs court ordered drug and alcohol assessments and individual and family counseling as ordered by the judge.


The Benton County Juvenile Detention Center provides tours of the facility for at-risk youth. These tours are by appointment only every Saturday at 10:00 AM. To schedule an appointment call the
staff station Monday – Friday at extension 0.

Personal Growth:

The Benton County Juvenile Detention Center offers a wide variety of services to residents.  Some residents are court ordered to attend these groups and others attend on a volunteer basis.  For residents who’s lives have been affected by substance abuse we offer Alcoholics Anonymous and Ala-Teen.  Several different groups from the community bring meals and offer mentor-ship and Into the Light provides education and support to residents at risk for sexual exploitation as well as rescue and rehabilitation for victims of sexual trafficking.

Religious Services:

The Benton County Juvenile Detention Center has a volunteer chaplain who oversees all of the different groups that visit the facility. All of our services are open to all residents and are strictly voluntary. A couple of the groups that offer these services are Iron Horse Disciples Motorcycle Group, Celebrate Recovery, as well as several church groups of various denominations who offer meals and religious services to the residents.

We would like to thank all of the outstanding volunteers in our programs for going above and beyond to help these young people make positive changes.

  • JDC Director

    Holly Foster


    Juvenile Detention Center

    1301 SW Melissa Dr.
    Bentonville, AR 72712

    1 p.m. to 3:40 p.m.
    Saturdays and Sundays





    Office Locations

    Juvenile Detention
    Suite 1

    Juvenile Probation
    Suite 3

    Juvenile Court
    (Division III)
    Suite 5

    Clerk (Child Support)
    Suite 7