Election Commission Poll Workers

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Poll Worker Positions & Duties

Poll workers are also known as “election officials” and are a vital part in any election. Each polling place requires a minimum of four poll workers by state statute, but we usually assign around six to eight election officials per Vote Center to help it run smoothly and efficiently. 

Each position requires you to attend a one-day training class and pass a multiple-choice test. Being familiar with computers is helpful, as well as the ability to follow detailed written procedures.

Is in charge of the vote center and has additional responsibilities, including contacting assigned Poll Workers, contacting the Vote Center regarding setting up equipment the day before election day, how to gain access to the location on election morning, and how to leave the Vote Center after closing.

On Election Day they help assist voters with any problems that arise, contact County Clerk’s Office with voter questions, maintain forms and records throughout the day. They are also in charge of election supplies, inspecting the vote center at closing and delivering ballots and materials to the Election Commission Office on election night.

Assistant Supervisor
The Supervisor and Assistant work together as a team. They attend the same training and have the same duties and responsibilities as the Supervisor. In the event the Supervisor is unavailable, they would take over.

Poll Workers
Their job is to greet voters, distribute ballots, check identification, check voters in on the electronic poll books,  and assist voters on voting equipment.

Field Tech
They are the technical support for Vote Centers on election day. Each Field Tech is assigned to an area of Voters Center and help with any technical questions or supply needs that may come up on election day.

Delivery Drivers
Using rented box trucks, they deliver the election equipment and supplies prior to Early Voting and Election Day, then pick it up after election day.

How to Apply for a Poll Worker Position:

If you’d like to participate in the election process, please click here to review Become an Election Official FAQs page.

We are currently not accepting applications. Please check back in the Winter of 2025 for new opportunities to become an Election Official.

For additional questions feel free to email us at Elections@bentoncountyar.gov.

  • Chairman

    Russell Anzalone


    Benton County Election Commission

    1428 W Walnut St
    Rogers, AR 72756

    8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
    Open through lunch





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  • We have moved. The Benton County Election Commission Office has moved to 1428 W Walnut St., Rogers, AR 72756

    Important information about department moves.