County Judge Benton County Rural Development Authority

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Benton County Rural Development Authority

Water development authority of the county and to further the economic development of Benton County.

Benton County Rural Development Authority Members

5 members are appointed by the County Judge and approved by the Quorum Court.

Terms last 5 years. Members cannot serve more than two (2) consecutive terms.

Benton County Rural Development Authority Voting

Three (3) commissioners shall constitute a quorum.

NamePositionAddressCityZipPhone NumberEmail AddressStatusStatus DateTerm ExpirationStatus 2Re-Appointment DateReappointment Expiring
D’Ann WhittlePosition #18668 Buttermilk Rd.Rogers, AR72756 (479) 263-4308dwhittle@whittletrucksales.comAppointed04/13/202103/31/26Unexpired Term4/22/20213/31/2023
Brent LeasPosition #2
6 N Chestnut Dr.Bella Vista, AR72714 (479) 381-2513brentleas@gmail.comAppointed4/1/201403/01/19Re-Appointed2/25/20213/31/2025
Jeff HunterPosition #314213 Edens Bluff Rd.Lowell, AR72745(479) 466-5526jeff@proscape77.comAppointed10/29/201803/31/20Re-Appointed2/25/20213/31/2025
Chris FlyntPosition #4
PO Box 84Hiwasse, AR72739 (479) 220-1106cflynt@ganielsflynt.comAppointed03/28/201603/01/21Appointed8/26/20213/31/2026
Nick Jewett*Position #5761 Napa Ave.Centerton, AR72719 (479) 426-3903nick.jewett@gmail.comAppointed08/26/202103/31/22

*Succeeding Craig Hull

Former Members

NamePositionAddressCityZipPhone NumberStatusStatus DateTerm Expiration
Jonathan ElyPosition #33 Carole Rae LaneBella Vista, AR72714(479) 866-4022Retired04/21/2016
Marc TrollingerPosition #14700 Nelson Hollow Rd.Lowell, AR72745(479) 616-4347Deceased04/30/201803/31/23
Craig HullPosition #58141 Ward LaneRogers, AR72756(479) 236-1053Deceased

Need to reappoint Chris Flynt and need another new member to replace deceased Craig Hull

See Full Calendar of Benton County Meetings Here.

  • County Judge

    Barry Moehring


    Administration Building

    215 E. Central Ave.
    Bentonville, AR 72712

    8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
