County Judge Benton County Constables Board

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Benton County Constables Board

Many areas of Arkansas are rural, and there are a lot of square miles for law enforcement to cover. Many sheriff’s offices and police departments don’t have the funding for large departments. That’s where reserve officers and constables come in. There are four rungs to the law-enforcement ladder: the State Police, county sheriff’s departments, township district constables and municipal police departments. The primary responsibility of the constable is to the residents of the township and county where they serve.

Benton County Constables Board Members

Arkansas constables must live in the townships in which they are elected. Terms last 2 years.

NameTownshipStatusStatus DateExpiring
James Gibson1Elected11/5/202412/31/2026
Keith Brummett2Elected11/5/202412/31/2026
Stephen Rosser3Elected11/5/202412/31/2026
Gordon Fisher4Elected11/5/202412/31/2026
Steven Walls5Elected11/5/202412/31/2026

See the full calendar of Benton County meetings here.

  • County Judge

    Barry Moehring


    Administration Building

    215 E. Central Ave.
    Bentonville, AR 72712

    8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
