Pursuant to a recent Arkansas State law change, all absentee ballots must be returned to the Benton County Clerk’s office the Friday before the election if dropped off in person or by designated bearer.
Absentee ballots to be returned by bearer or in person for the May 2022 Primary Election must be returned to the Benton County Clerk’s Office by close of business on Friday, May 20, 2022. Previously, voters and bearers were able to drop off absentee ballots on Election Day. The Arkansas Legislature approved a change to the law during the regular session of 2021. Act 973 of 2021 went into effect on July 28, 2021 and moves up the deadline from Election Day to the Friday before Election Day.
Deadline to Return Absentee Ballot by Authorized Agent:
The deadline to return an absentee ballot by authorized agent is by 7:30 p.m. on Election Day May 24. The authorized agent must have filed with the County Clerk an affidavit from the administrative head of a hospital or nursing home located in this state verifying that the applicant is a patient of the hospital or long-term care or residential care facility licensed by the state and is thereby unable to vote on the election day at his or her regular polling site.
Deadline to Return Absentee Ballot by Mail:
All absentee ballots returned by mail must be received by 7:30 p.m. on Election Day.
Locations to Return Absentee Ballots: Benton County offers three locations where the public can return absentee ballots.
Act 973: As Secretary of State John Thurston announced, the Arkansas legislature approved several new election laws during the regular session of 2021, including Act 973 of 2021. Act 973 moves up the deadline for delivering an absentee ballot in person to the county clerk’s office, from the regular close of business on the Monday before election day to the regular close of business on the previous Friday.
Resources: Voting information can be found at https://vote.bentoncountyar.gov/ or by calling (479) 271-1013.