9-1-1 Administration Benton County 9-1-1 Board

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Benton County 9-1-1 Board

As of June 2021

The 911 administrative board shall be empowered and authorized to administer and manage the 911 service in the county, including such duties as:

  1. Expend funds generated by the 911 service charge and appropriated by the quorum court.
  2. Develop a county-wide addressing and mapping system including emergency service boundaries in conjunction with 911 requirements.
  3. Establish uniform standard operating procedures to be used at public safety answering points (PSAP).
  4. Develop training programs and procedures for all dispatchers.
  5. Recommend staffing requirements for PSAP’s.
  6. Report annually to the quorum court.
  7. Present an annual budget to the quorum court.
  8. Other actions and business consistent with the law as necessary to carry out the purposes of this division.


Meets yearly in October. Meeting dates and additional or special meetings shall be determined by a majority vote of the Board. The chairman may call special or emergency meetings.


A quorum shall be required for official business. A majority vote of those present shall be necessary for official business. Each member shall have one vote. The chairman shall vote on each issue.

Benton County 9-1-1 Board Members

The board consists of (5) members: (1) FIRE (full-time fire chief or deputy chief), (1) POLICE (full-time chief of police or their chief deputy or the sheriff or their chief deputy), (3) AT-LARGE.

Terms last 5 years. Note: cannot serve more than two (2) consecutive terms; terms shall be staggered with a chairman, vice-chairman, and secretary.

NamePositionStatusAppointment DateExpiring
Brent BoydstonFireAppointed, First TermMay 2019March 31, 2024
James GravesPoliceAppointed, First TermMarch 2020March 31, 2025
Rosemary GoinesAt Large #1Appointed, First TermMay 2021March 31, 2026
Todd BrakevilleAt Large #2Appointed Due to ResignationMarch 2020March 31, 2022
Jerry OliverAt Large #3Re-Appointed, Second TermMay 2013March 31, 2023

Previous Members

Thomas JenkinsFireAppointed, First Full Term3/31/2019
Tom CookPoliceUnexpired3/31/2020
Jimmy ThompsonAt Large #1Re-Appointed3/31/2021
Marc TrollingerAt Large #2Appointed, First Full TermDeceased


Robert McGowen, (479) 271-1004

  • 911 Admin Director

    Jillian Ramoly


    Administration Building

    215 E. Central Ave.
    Bentonville, AR 72712

    8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
    Open through lunch
